ConnectPlazaAgent Properties

ConnectAgent configuration

This chapter will inform you about the configuration options in the file.

As you download the ConnectAgent from Deploy you will get a preconfigured ConnectAgent. As you set some values before downloading the ConnectAgent, these values will be injected into several .properties files.

In the properties file you see a # for the line, this line is a default value. Only remove the # if you want to change a specific value.

Whenever you find a line starting with a '#', this means this line has a default value. Whenever you want to change a specific value, please remove the '#' to activate the change. Otherwise use Deploy to change any parameters directly from the cloud.

The file looks like this:

# moved to defaults in applicationContext.xml (to change default value, uncomment and change value)
# allocated memoryspace
# 10gb disk space for persistent messages in kahadb
# 2gb  disk space, used for swapping non-persistent messages when memory full
# taskexecutor runs pollable consumers
# taskscheduler runs services and producers
#connect.globalpoller.fixed-delay=50       // poller will poll next queue after this time ( or repeatedly all queues after this time?)
#connect.globalpoller.receive-timeout=500  // poller thread will wait this time for message to arrive on polled queue, after that thread will return to pool
#                                          // so with delay of 50 and timeout of 500 10 threads will be continue in use 




# connection factory used by the jmsconsumer of the analyzechannel for receiving analyze messages from other jms implementations (like sonic or mule)
# defaults to the default connectionfactory set by
# CHANGE ONLY!! when you want analyze to use a different connection factory than your default connection factory

# name of the queue which the jmsconsumer of the analyzechannel will use to receive analyze messages

# default jms connectionfactory defined in agent

# Enable loading of CA certificates

# default timeout in seconds for large File Support

# Either SQL or MONGO

connect.adapter.myesbcommon.mailchannel.smtp.subject=Exception Report

#install.updates.crontimer=0 0 1 * * *

#connect.http.max-form-url-encoded-upload-size-in-bytes=200000                           | 


Explanation of the parameters


Parameter Default Value Description
connect.mbean.server.connector.url service:jmx:jmxmp://localhost:9876 This is the connection to the ConnectPlaza JMX server.
connect.mbean.defaultdomain com.opdion.myesb  
connect.mbean.componentindex.asattribute false  
connect.mbean.componentindex.inname true vm://localhost Default ActiveMQ broker URI true Is the ActiveMQ broker persistent or not (true or false). This will result in the creation of the activemq-data directory if set to true. 64mb Allocated memoryspace for the broker 10gb 10gb Disk space for persistent messages in kahadb 2gb 2gb Disk space, used for swapping non-persistent messages when memory full localhost ActiveMQ Host
connect.amqp.port 5672 ActiveMQ port number on the selected host
connect.amqp.username guest ActiveMQ user name to log in
connect.amqp.password guest ActiveMQ password for the user to log in eth0 Default network interface name ConnectPlaza Agent non SSL binding hostname. Default binds to This is the localhost.
connect.jetty.connector.port 8088 ConnectPlaza Agent  port number for non SSL bindings
connect.jetty.connector.maxidletime 30000 Max time for the connectors to wait before returning a time-out
connect.jetty.connector.acceptors 2 Number of default acceptors of the ConnectPlaza Agent ConnectPlaza Agent SSL binding hostname. Default binds to This is the localhost
connect.jetty.sslconnector.port 8443 ConnectPlaza Agent  port number for SSL bindings
connect.jetty.sslconnector.included.protocols TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2

ConnectPlaza Agent  SSL supported protocols.

connect.jetty.sslconnector.included.ciphers Empty by default

Here you can add the ciphers in case you need an old, not default supported, cipher suite. You can add them in a comma separated list. No wildcards are allowed.

connect.jetty.sslconnector.maxidletime 30000 Max time for the SSL connectors to wait before returning a time-out
connect.jetty.sslconnector.acceptors 2 Number of acceptors of the ConnectPlaza Agent 
connect.jetty.sslconnector.keystore ./context/connectpaza_keystore.jks The keystore for the ConnectPlaza Agents. You can access the keystore via Deploy to add / remove your own certificates. Restart of the ConnectAgent is required after modifying the keystore. 
connect.jetty.sslconnector.keystore.password <set> Password of the keystore. This is for ConnectPlaza personnel only
connect.jetty.sslconnector.truststore ./context/connectplaza_truststore.jks The truststore for the ConnectPlaza Agents. You can access the truststore via Deploy to add / remove your own certificates. Restart of the ConnectAgent is required after modifying the truststore.
connect.jetty.sslconnector.truststore.password <set> Password of the truststore. This is for ConnectPlaza personnel only
connect.taskexecutor.poolsize 5-40 taskexecutor runs pollable consumers. This is the poolsize for all consumers overall.
connect.taskexecutor.queue.capacity 20000 This is maximum buffersize for poll requests that have not yet been handled.
connect.taskscheduler.poolsize 50 Total number of taskschedulers for the ConnectPlaza Agent. If you experience a lot of latency or connection problems, it is probably a good idea to add more taskschedulers
connect.globalpoller.fixed-delay 50 Standard fixed delay for all pollers.
connect.globalpoller.receive-timeout 500 poller thread will wait this time for message to arrive on polled queue, after that thread will return to pool so with a delay of 50 and a timeout of 500, 10 threads will be in use continuously.
connectplaza.flow.taskexecutor.queue.capacity 200 This is the maximum number of rows for a thread, when the concurent option for flows is set tot true. Each flow will get its own threadpool.
connectplaza.flow.taskexecutor.poolsize 20 This is the poolsize of the threadpool. This applies when the flow uses concurent=true
connect.license.owner dummy Not used
connect.license.key XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX Your ConnectPlaza license key true

True if you are a Cloud user False if you are not connected to the cloud. If you are not connected to the cloud you need a license file. You can get this license file from ConnectPlaza. Please contact your account manager in order to find out if you need this kind of license.

connect.cloudserver.uri This is the cloud server URL. This URL is used by some of the backend processes of your ConnectPlaza Agent.
connect.adapters.donotstart connectplaza-rhttp-adapter This value can contain a comma separated string with all the interfaces from the adapters directory, you do not want to load at ConnectAgent startup time.
connect.http.proxyHost <empty>  The proxy host name (non SSL)
connect.http.proxyPort <empty>  The proxy port number (non SSL)
connect.http.proxyUser <empty>  The proxy user login name (non SSL)
connect.http.proxyPassword <empty>  The proxy user password (non SSL)
connect.https.proxyHost <empty>  The proxy host name SSL
connect.https.proxyPort <empty>  The proxy port number SSL
connect.https.proxyUser <empty>  The proxy user login name SSL
connect.https.proxyPassword   The proxy user password SSL
connect.analyze.connectionfactory jmsConnectionFactory

JMS Connection factory used by the jmsconsumer of the analyzechannel for receiving analyze messages from other jms implementations.

Defaults to the default connectionfactory set by

!!WARNING!! Change only when you want Analyze to use a different connection factory than the default internal ActiveMQ.

connect.analyze.queue queue.analyze Name of the queue which the jmsconsumer of the analyzechannel will use to receive analyze messages activeMQFactory Default jms connectionfactory defined in agent true Enable loading of CA certificates.
connect.lfs.timeout=3600 3600 default timeout in seconds for Large File Support
connect.analyze.storagetype SQL Select Analyze database type. Either SQL or MONGO.
connect.adapter.myesbcommon.storechannel.storedirectory ./temp/storechannel Default disk location for storing messages by the internal store flow. test Hostname of the SMTP server. Value is mandatory, no # before the line may exist.
connect.adapter.myesbcommon.mailchannel.smtp.port 25 Port number of the SMTP server. Value is mandatory, no # before the line may exist.
connect.adapter.myesbcommon.mailchannel.smtp.username test User name to log in into the SMTP server. Value is mandatory, no # before the line may exist.
connect.adapter.myesbcommon.mailchannel.smtp.password test Passowrd of the user logging in into the SMTP server. Value is mandatory, no # before the line may exist. test To address for the email. Value is mandatory, no # before the line may exist.
connect.adapter.myesbcommon.mailchannel.smtp.from test From address for the email. Value is mandatory, no # before the line may exist.
connect.adapter.myesbcommon.mailchannel.smtp.subject Exception Report Subject of the email. Value is mandatory, no # before the line may exist.
connect.adapter.myesbcommon.mailchannel.smtp.starttls false SMTP Server uses TLS (true or false). Value is mandatory, no # before the line may exist.
connect.adapter.myesbcommon.mailchannel.smtp.maildebug false Set debug option (true or false). Value is mandatory, no # before the line may exist.
install.updates.crontimer 0 0 1 * * * Cron setting for polling the update service of ConnectPlaza. If any update is available, the update will be downloaded (not installed). Defaults to once a day
install.updates.mode user-restart Mode to install the updates, if any available.
connectplaza.rsocket.gatewayuri wss:// RSocket Gateway URI, not used yet.
connect.http.max-upload-size-in-bytes 10000000 Maximum upload size
connect.http.max-form-url-encoded-upload-size-in-bytes 200000 Maximun form url encoded upload size
connect.message-part.payload-size-in-bytes-threshold-warning 2097152

Threshold large messages. Returns warning in log when the message is larger than the number of bytes in this property.

You can check this in your specific interface log file via ConnectPlaza Deploy.


When you download the agent the next parameters are written to the configuration before downloading the agent.

Parameter Value Description
connect.mbean.server.connector.url service\:jmx\:jmxmp\://\:9876 This is the connection to the ConnectPlaza JMX server. This is the hostname or IP of the SSL Server of the agent. This is where the ConnectAgent binds to when using SSL connections
connect.license.key XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX This is the license code of you ConnectAgent. Every agent has its own licensekey. This is the hostname or IP of the Server of the agent. This is where the ConnectAgent binds to if using non-SSL connections
connect.cloudserver.uri https\://\:8443 This is the connection to the cloudserver. Only change this if told by a ConnectPlaza consultant.
connect.jetty.sslconnector.port 8443 Port number of the SSL connection to the ConnectAgent
connect.jetty.connector.port 8088 Port number of the non-SSL connection to the ConnectAgent