
Description of the wizard

This wizard will guide you through the process of creating a working interface that will connect to SalesForce's API in order to create any Object you provide. We will start by configuring the basic inteface settings and setting up Authentication required by SalesForce. Next we will ask you how you wish to expose this interface and you may choose to configure this interface based on either input/output files or an HTTP Based interface. Finally we will also help you configure a basic Webhook flow that can be called from SalesForce to receive updates.

Description of the steps


The first step is the introdcutions of this wizard. This will tell you what the wizard is all about.

Basic interface settings

In this step you can add the following information:

Field name Description
Interface name This is the name of the interface. If this name already exists, a timestamp will be added to this name when saving the interface
Interface description Your own description of the interface

Authentication options

In this step you must enter the settings to connect to your Salesforce account.

Field name Description
Authentication Select the way you wish to authenticate your Salesforce API calls. Note that each authentication method has different requirements. Consult ConnectPlaza's technical documentation for more details.
Instance The Salesforce instance refers to the server your Salesforce organization lives on. It is visible in the first part of the url after you log in to your Salesforce account. Valid examples are eu27, ap5, and na12.
Username The username of the Salesforce account you wish to use to authenticate the Salesforce API calls.


The password of the Salesforce account you wish to use to authenticate the Salesforce API calls.
Client ID


The client ID of the Salesforce connected app.
Client secret The client password of the Salesforce connected app.
Security token The security token of the Salesforce account you wish to use to authenticate the Salesforce API calls. Note that if you do not possess the security token you can request Salesforce to generate a new one. Consult the Salesforce documentation for the details.

Data options

If an error occurs in the data, you can accept that or do a roll back of the data. Defaults to a rollback.

File intergration or HTTP integration

In this step you can set the way data is presented to Salesforce and the way the data is accepted from Salesforce. You can do this with a file input / file output, or by using an HTTP connector.

File integration

Field name Description
Input directory This is the input directory where the Salesforce interface is getting its data from.
Output directory This is the output directory where the Salesforce interface will write its data output files

HTTP Integration

Field name Description
Context path Path on which to open webservice endpoint. A custom Context Path should always start with a forward slash (/). So for instance: "/CustomPath".
Method Specify which HTTP Methods are allowed (GET/POST/HEAD/OPTIONS/PUT/PATCH/DELETE/TRACE).
Secure Enables SSL Connector. When set to true, the keystore value and alias value should be set. Otherwise the defaults will be used.


If you want to react on calls from Salesforce, you can use the webhooks.

Field name Description
Context path Path on which to open webservice endpoint. A custom Context Path should always start with a forward slash (/). So for instance: "/CustomPath".
Method Specify which HTTP Methods are allowed (GET/POST/HEAD/OPTIONS/PUT/PATCH/DELETE/TRACE).
Secure Enables SSL Connector. When set to true, the keystore value and alias value should be set. Otherwise the defaults will be used.
Certificate alias in keystore (When secure = true) Set the certificate alias for the selected certificate. Should exist in defined keystore.
Directory Location on disk to write the file. If the location does not exist, it will be created.


This is the last step before completing the wizard. Select the option to create a bundle or not, and press Finish to generate the interface.