ConnectPlaza ConnectAgent Si 4.1.2
Release Notes :
Solved issues :
- Splitters showed no metrics in Control
connectplaza-updater jars directory was faulty updated in update 4.1.1.
Issue updating to version 4.1.2 after update to 4.1.1
If your ConnectAgent will not upgrade after upgrade to version 4.1.1 and updates are available in Deploy you ran into a faulty update mechanism after installing version 4.1.1. If you are not installing 4.1.2 within the same update run, the updates were halted at 4.1.1.
You can solve this by following the instructions below.
- Stop the ConnectAgent
- Go to the directory: <connectplaza install directory>/connectplaza-agent-updater
- Rename the directory jars to jars.old
- Rename the directory jars.backup to jars
- Start the ConnectAgent
If you set the update flag in deploy to update to any of the versions mentioned here, the update should be started.