Mutli user development

When working with the constructor with multiple developers at the same time, you can occasionally work with the same flows and therefore with the same component. The application can detect when changes are made, as of version 3.3.0. See the example below.

Example multi user development

In this example we used a simple flow with a file pickup and a file drop mechanism.

Two developers have this flow open in their own constructor.

One  of the developers changes something in the File Pickup component, which is open by both of the developers. It changes the default name in something else:

After pushing the save button, an alert will be sent to the second developer. A message will be show on the development screen.

This indication  as a button next to it . With this button the user can upgrade the screen with the latest data. Keep in mind that if you do this, your data will be overwritten. So if you have changed some of the fields, but did not save it, your data will be gone. If you do not want that, but keep your data, you can save your data via the save button at the bottom of the form. But keep in mind that you will overwrite your colleagues data, his or her changes will be lost.

So use this with care and inform your colleague about the changes.